G/L Account Setup

Cenium Core sends the revenue amounts excluding tax/VAT (net) to Business Central and the tax/VAT amount is pre-calculated.

This means that the revenue accounts in Business Central should be configured to skip calculating tax/VAT and the tax/VAT accounts need to use the "Full VAT" calculation type to generate transactions in the VAT Entry table for VAT Statement reporting.

Best practices

Special Cenium Core accounts

Accounts Description
Statement Rounding Account An account used by statement postings if there is a small discrepancy between debit and credit amounts. These differences may happen because Cenium Core uses 5 decimals and journals are usually rounded to 2 decimals.
Interim receivables account An account used by statement postings if a folio is settled to Account Receivables (Invoice).
Interim owner account An account used by statement postings for owner account transactions.
Interim commission account An account used by statement postings for commission transactions.
In-house An account used by statement postings to accrue a guest balance until folio is settled.
Deposit An account used by statement postings to hold guest deposits until he checks in. Then the balance is transferred to In-house.

For each account configured in Cenium Core a matching account needs to be created in Business Central.

VAT Business Posting Group

Create two new VAT Business posting groups, EXTSALE and EXTVAT.

Name Description
EXTSALE To be assigned to each of the accounts use to register sales.
EXTVAT To be assigned to each of the Vat Sales accounts.

VAT Product Posting Group

Create a VAT Product Posting group for each of the tax/VAT accounts used in Cenium Core, for example: EXTNORM, EXTMID and EXTLOW. Then assign to each of the VAT G/L accounts and the Sales accounts used by Cenium Core.

Finalize the VAT Posting Setup

Finalize the VAT Posting Setup for each combination of VAT Business and Product Posting group.

VAT Bus. Pst. Grp VAT Prod. Pst. Grp VAT Calc. Type VAT % VAT Sales Account
EXTSALE EXTNORM Normal VAT 0 G/L Account for normal VAT
EXTVAT EXTNORM Full VAT 0 G/L Account for normal VAT
EXTSALE EXTMID Normal VAT 0 G/L Account for mid VAT
EXTVAT EXTMID Full VAT 0 G/L Account for mid VAT
EXTSALE EXTLOW Normal VAT 0 G/L Account for low VAT
EXTVAT EXTLOW Full VAT 0 G/L Account for low VAT

Chart of accounts

Add the VAT Business and Product Posting groups to the Cenium Core revenue and tax G/L accounts.

Revenue Accounts

Key fields Description
VAT Business Posting Grp Select EXTSALE to generate a base amount entry in the VAT entry table for VAT statement reporting.
VAT Product Posting Grp Select EXTNORM, EXTMID, EXTLOW.

VAT accounts

Key fields Description
VAT Business Posting Grp Select EXTVAT
VAT Product Posting Grp Select a posting group with EXTNORM, EXTMID or EXTLOW depending on the Vat %

See also Cenium VAT setup for a way to override existing G/L account setup.